
The British Council has now selected six candidates for the curatorial and arts management study programme, Contemporary Collective.  

The course starts in August 2016 and is designed to support aspiring female curators and arts administrators from Saudi Arabia.  Participants will acquire the curatorial and practical arts management skills they need to build positive pathways for themselves and contribute to the rich contemporary art movement in Saudi Arabia.

Details will be posted soon about the Contemporary Collective public presentations that will take place in Riyadh and Jeddah from September to December 2016.   They will cover topics around visual arts practice and feature curators and arts managers from renowned international art institutions.


  • The course starts in August 2016 with participants spending two weeks in London.  The rest of the learning modules take place in Jeddah and Riyadh, with a final week in the UAE in December.
  •  The course covers the fundamentals of curatorial practice, critical thinking and writing, alongside the practical elements of arts management including presenting art and engaging audiences within institutional, private and commercial contexts 
  •  Tutors include renowned art world practitioners and experienced academics who will work with regional curators, and arts managers to inspire the Saudi participants with their insights and practical advice
  •  Throughout the programme, participants are collaborating on an idea for an exhibition and will realize the project in collaboration with the British Council.  They have access to the British Council’s extensive national art collection which includes over 8,500 artworks
  • In tandem with the course, visiting professionals are delivering talks and panel discussions in Riyadh and Jeddah, which will be open to a wider audience interested in learning about contemporary and modern visual arts practice both within the Kingdom and beyond





For additional clarification on eligibility and application, please also consult our Frequently Asked Questions bellow or email us KSAinfo@sa.britishcouncil.org

  1. Is there an age limit for this programme? Yes you need to be aged 18 or above
  2.  Are the overseas trips essential? Yes the overseas element of the programme is a core part of this course
  3. Is there a fee to pay? No there is no course fee
  4. Will I receive a certificate for participating? Yes, British Council will issue a certificate but this will not carry any credits to help with university entry requirements
  5.  I am not a Saudi national can I apply? Yes, but you will need to be a Saudi resident and have lived in Saudi for at least 5 years.  We are seeking individuals who will continue to live in Saudi and make a contribution to its cultural and creative landscape
  6. Will this course help me to secure a place for a degree? It may help if you are applying to study a formal curatorial or arts related qualification
  7. Do I need to take an IELTS test to participate in this course? You do not need to take and IELTS test but you are expected to have a good standard of spoken and written English as the course will be taught in English
  8. Where will the course workshops take place? The workshops will take place in a variety of venues in Jeddah, Riyadh, London and the UAE.
  9. Is there a travel allowance available to help me to attend the course sessions? Yes, if you are selected for this course we will help with your travel costs to enable you to attend.
  10. How many days of my time should I set aside to commit to this course? Please refer to the Course Criteria for details of time commitments throughout the course.
  11. If I am unable to commit to the entire course can I still take part? No, we need participants to commit to the entire course from the beginning
  12. I'm not sure if I want to be a curator but I want to work in the arts, can I still apply to be on this course?Yes you can apply, we will only accept your application if we feel you demonstrate strong potential to apply the knowledge you gain from the course in the arts in KSA.
  13. Do I need to speak both Arabic and English?  Yes
  14. Do I need to have an art background? No, but you will need to evidence your creative potential and commitment to this sector when you apply
  15. Will the course be translated in Arabic? No, aspects of the course will be translated such as public talks but the course will be taught in English
  16. Will I be employed in British Council after taking this course? No, the course does not guarantee employment with the British Council
  17.  Is the course open for male and female? No this course if for women
  18. Do I need to take any test/exam to join in this course? Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed and will be asked to provide a statement about their motivation to join the course