Dr. Taghreed Alsaraj

General Manager of Education & Talent Development at Ministry of Culture

Dr. Taghreed Alsaraj is a leader in education and human capital development, advancing initiatives aligned with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. In  Education and Talent Development, She developed and Chairs the International Conference for Education and Innovation in Museums (ICEIM) as well as developed with SOAS the first Postgraduate/ Masters Degree in Museum Studies in KSA. Awarded the UK Alumni Award in Social Impact (2019), Dr Taghreed holds a PhD from UCL and is a MISK 2030 Leader.

Peter Clements

Prosperity and Vision 2030 Counsellor

Peter is currently the Prosperity and Vision 2030 Counsellor at the British Embassy in Riyadh.  Previously he served as Deputy Head of Mission in Peru and Croatia, and has worked across a range of different roles in the UK government.  

Dr. Thaib Alharethi

Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hospitality at KAU

 Dr. Thaib Alharethi is Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hospitality at KAU, leading the Research and Creativity Department. He consults for several organizations, including the Education and Training Evaluation Commission and the Saudi Data & AI Authority. A former Visiting Academic at the University of Surrey, Dr. Alharethi holds a PhD in Hospitality and Tourism Management. He received the British Council’s UK Alumni Social Action Award 2024, advancing education and innovation in tourism.