ِAbout Tamara

Tamara Tayeb won the Education UK Alumni Award in the Social Impact category in 2016 for her work as the Head of Ebola/MERS Team in Saudi Arabia. She studied at University College London and, upon returning home she joined Saudi Arabia’s Public Health Agency to follow her passion of tackling communicable diseases.

Just six months later, she was assigned to oversee the country’s National Tuberculosis Control Programme and the National Elimination of Leprosy Programme. Tamara now also leads both the EBOLA and MERS preparedness teams at the Ministry of Health’s Command and Control Centre.

In addition to her work in public health, she has given a great deal of inspiration  to young women across Saudi Arabia to follow their passion and become successful. ‘My ambition to see my country improve and the high standard of my studies have helped me excel in my field and provided me with the platform to achieve what I have in such a short period of time,’ she says.

Her Unique Experience

Tamara completed an MSc in Global Health Development at University College London. Studying in the UK gave her the skills and experience she needed to take forward her future career back in Saudi Arabia.

‘Being trained by excellent public health experts, who are leaders in their fields, provided me with a learning opportunity that was second to none,’ says Tamara.

‘Working alongside them has helped me learn and apply the best in high standards during my studies and my work in Saudi Arabia.’

‘Reaching a leadership position of this level as a young female in a male-dominated field has given a lot of other women the hope and belief to follow their ambitions,’ she says.

Going forward, Tamara is excited about her role as Saudi Arabia’s Education UK Alumni Ambassador for 2016, seeing it as yet another opportunity to inspire her country’s future generation of budding professionals. 

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